Shipping FAQ

As a general guideline:

We offer free Standard Shipping and Expedited Shipping on all orders.

Standard Shipping - usually gets delivered within 4-6 Business Days.
Express Shipping - usually gets delivered within 2-3 Business Days.

to most addresses in the 48 continental states (not including Alaska and Hawaii). For some rural/remote areas, shipping may be longer.

Pre-orders are taken for goods that are currently out of stock in our warehouses or brand new products to be launched soon.
We only enable pre-order for goods that are already in the USA in the logistics pipeline. However, there are no shipment/delivery guarantees on any pre-orders as transit times vary due to COVID-19 putting huge stress on the entire logistics chain.

Note: due to COVID-19 related limitations - both Standard and Expedited shipping may be delayed due to unexpected delays by the courier companies (UPS, USPS, FedEx) - this varies greatly and daily, depending on product and destination.